Friday, June 29, 2012

80's Video Friday

I heard someone blasting this song through their headphones this AM on the train. The lady looked like she was having just a terrific ride in to work.  Thanks for this excellent 80's video, Huey.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Big Lebowski 2: The Dude Goes to Washington

  The Dude, Walter, sadly not Donnie, Maude, Brant, The Jesus ,and others will be making their way back into the long awaited sequel to the 1998 cult classic, The Big Lebowski. The Cohen brothers bring you yet another story centering around Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski and Walter Sobchak.  The two have just learned that their beloved bowling alley will be closed down and destroyed to make way for a new parking garage all at the hands of a corrupt and evil land owner, Bavarian Illuminati, played by Bill Murray

Filming is slated to begin Oct 2012, and shooting for a Summer 2015 release.  Great news for Lebowski fans everywhere, but is there any way the sequel in the saga of The Dude can live up to the expectations left predecessor? I'm sure we'll be far from disappointed.

Examiner Article

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beer Beard

   Hey hipsters. Tired of being shunned to the outer circle of that group that you didn't want to be a part of anyway, because you're way too awesome and you just don't care?  Is that patchy, haggard excuse for a face sweater leaving you cold and lonely with only your skinny jeans to keep you warm at night?  Not to worry. Thanks to this handmade Beard Coozie, now your PBR tallboy will be able to step up and fill in even more of the blanks left by your missing social skills. You're welcome.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



What America spends on booze - 1982 v. 2011

         Prices at bars restaurants have gone up 79% since, my birth year, 1982.  This explains why my dad thought the vendor at the Roger Waters concert was f*n with him when he asked for $8.50 for an Old Style.

 Full NPR article here.

Monday, June 11, 2012

One Tiny Hand

                       For more tiny hand photos please go to  All images have been altered to show one tiny hand, with the exception of Newt Gingrich's - that is his actual hand. 

Thank you to my wonderful sister in law, Ashley of The Dim Sum Diary, for sharing this hilarious site.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday night with Roger Waters

                  Tonight we get to enjoy the rare experience of seeing Roger Waters perform The Wall at Wrigley Field.  I'm planning on having my mind blown.  This is especially exciting as my folks will be joining Whit and I. I can distinctly remember being a kid and hearing my dad tell me about the very theatrical shows that Pink Floyd put on when they were still touring. I'm literally counting the minutes.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


This video is horribly ironic, but slightly hilarious.  I'd assume you normally wouldn't want oil colored liquid shooting out of the beverage rig at your Arctic drilling release party.

Monday, June 4, 2012

1000 Awesome Things

#6 The last day of school

#9 Crossing off the last item on your list

1000 Awesome Things is a time ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things. Blog creator Neil Pasricha began his list of all that is awesome after being burnt out on all the negativity found in media and life in general.  The author says that at the time of starting the site "If you flipped open the newspaper it was filled with the same stuff every day. The polar ice caps were melting, there were pirates storming the seas, the economy was on the verge of collapse, and there were wars going on all over the world." As a result, he created a website discussing "popping bubble wrap, or snow days, or the smell of a bakery."[ 

Whenever you're in need of a reminder that you're constantly surrounded by awesomeness, be sure to check out or go pick up The Book of Awesome.  Thank you to my awesome wife for telling me about this site.
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